Hey, small announcement! I started an open-source project for collecting user-created Hugo shortcodes, and you can add all of them to your Hugo site as a Hugo module. I filled the starter repo with some of the shortcodes I’ve made for my own site, and I’d love for it to become a place where everybody can share theirs with everyone. Theme-agnostic shortcodes are best, of course, but I really have no guidelines for additions right now. Let’s see where it goes!

Just as a sample, here are the shortcodes I’ve added so far –

Github Project Button

{{< github-links “aormsby/hugo-shortcodes” >}}

Buy Me a Coffee

{{< coffee-full aormsby >}} Buy Me A Coffee

Google ‘My Maps’

{{< mygmap id=“1wj0ZawLLSjKgn8J3xES0NFpFsQc” >}}

Google Maps

{{< gmap mode=“place” query=“madagascar” language=“fr” >}}

{{< gmap mode=“view” center=“37.4218,-122.0840” zoom=“18” maptype=“satellite” >}}

{{< gmap mode=“streetview” location=“37.4218,-122.0840” heading=“210” pitch=“30” fov=“100” >}}

Unity Game - Web

(Fullscreen recommended - ’esc’ to exit)

{{< unity project=“ArmyDillos-web” aspect=“16:10” >}}